Setting NODE_ENV to Development using ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ Command Not Working? Here’s the Fix!
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Setting NODE_ENV to Development using ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ Command Not Working? Here’s the Fix!

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If you’re encountering issues with setting the NODE_ENV environment variable to development using the ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ command, you’re not alone! This common problem has stumped many a developer, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solutions and explanations that will get you back on track.

What is NODE_ENV and Why is it Important?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s quickly cover what NODE_ENV is and why it’s essential for your Node.js projects.

NODE_ENV is an environment variable that determines the configuration and behavior of your Node.js application. It can be set to one of three values: development, production, or test. Each environment has its own set of configurations, which affect how your application behaves.

For example, in development mode, you might want to enable hot reloading, debugging tools, and verbose logging. In production mode, you’d want to optimize performance, disable debugging tools, and minimize logging.

The Problem: ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ Command Not Working

Now that we know the importance of NODE_ENV, let’s get to the issue at hand. You’ve tried running the ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ command, but it doesn’t seem to be taking effect. Your application is still behaving as if it’s in production mode.

There are a few reasons why this might be happening, and we’ll cover each of them in detail.

Reason 1: Command Prompt vs. PowerShell (Windows)

If you’re using Windows, you might be using the Command Prompt or PowerShell to run your Node.js commands. The issue here is that the ‘set’ command behaves differently in each environment.

In Command Prompt, the ‘set’ command sets the environment variable only for the current session. This means that when you close the Command Prompt, the variable is lost.

In PowerShell, the ‘set’ command is not recognized as a valid command for setting environment variables. Instead, you need to use the ‘env:’ scope, like this:

env:NODE_ENV = "development"

To fix the issue, make sure you’re using the correct command for your environment. If you’re using Command Prompt, you can use the ‘setx’ command instead, like this:

setx NODE_ENV "development"

This sets the environment variable persistently, so it will remain even after you close the Command Prompt.

Reason 2: Environment Variables Not Persisting (Mac/Linux)

If you’re using a Mac or Linux machine, you might be using the terminal to run your Node.js commands. In this case, the issue might be that the environment variable is not persisting across terminal sessions.

To fix this, you can add the following line to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

export NODE_ENV=development

This sets the environment variable persistently, so it will remain even after you close the terminal.

Reason 3: Overriding NODE_ENV in Package.json

Another reason why the ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ command might not be working is that you have an override in your package.json file.

Check your package.json file for a “scripts” section that overrides the NODE_ENV variable. For example:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "NODE_ENV=production node app.js"

In this case, the NODE_ENV variable is explicitly set to “production” when you run the “start” script. To fix this, simply remove the override or update it to use the “development” value.

Reason 4: NODE_ENV Not Being Read by Your Application

Finally, it’s possible that your application is not reading the NODE_ENV variable correctly.

Make sure that your application is reading the environment variable correctly. For example, in a Node.js file, you can access the NODE_ENV variable like this:


If this outputs “undefined”, then your application is not reading the environment variable correctly.

Solution: Using the –env Flag with Node.js

An alternative to setting the NODE_ENV environment variable is to use the –env flag when running your Node.js application.

For example:

node --env=development app.js

This sets the NODE_ENV variable to “development” for the duration of the application’s runtime.


We’ve covered the common reasons why the ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ command might not be working, from environment variable persistence to overrides in package.json. By following the solutions outlined above, you should be able to set the NODE_ENV variable correctly and get your Node.js application running in development mode.

Remember to check your environment, command prompt or PowerShell, and package.json file for any overrides or issues. With these solutions, you’ll be debugging and developing in no time!

Solution Environment Command
Set NODE_ENV persistently Windows (Command Prompt) setx NODE_ENV "development"
Set NODE_ENV persistently Mac/Linux (Terminal) export NODE_ENV=development
Use the –env flag All environments node --env=development app.js

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Node.js development!


Q: What if I’m using a different shell or terminal emulator?

A: The commands and solutions outlined above should work in most shells and terminal emulators. However, if you’re using a different environment, you may need to adapt the commands accordingly. Consult your shell’s documentation for more information.

Q: How do I set NODE_ENV in a Docker container?

A: To set NODE_ENV in a Docker container, you can use the -e or –env flag when running the container. For example: docker run -e NODE_ENV=development my-node-app.

Q: What if I’m using a Node.js framework like Express.js or Next.js?

A: The solutions outlined above should work with most Node.js frameworks. However, if you’re using a framework that provides its own environment variable management, you may need to consult the framework’s documentation for specific instructions.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with setting NODE_ENV to development mode? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is the command ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ not working as expected?

The command ‘set NODE_ENV=development’ only sets the environment variable for the current command prompt session. When you close the command prompt, the environment variable is lost. To set it permanently, you need to add it to your system environment variables or use a tool like dotenv.

How can I verify if NODE_ENV is set to development mode?

You can verify by using the command ‘echo %NODE_ENV%’ (on Windows) or ‘echo $NODE_ENV’ (on macOS/Linux) in your terminal. This will print the current value of the NODE_ENV environment variable.

What is the difference between ‘set’ and ‘export’ commands?

The ‘set’ command only sets the environment variable for the current command prompt session, whereas ‘export’ command sets the environment variable permanently and makes it available to all subsequent commands and processes.

How can I set NODE_ENV to development mode permanently on Windows?

Right-click on ‘Computer’ or ‘This PC’ and select ‘Properties’, then click on ‘Advanced system settings’ on the left side, and finally click on ‘Environment Variables’. Under ‘System Variables’, scroll down and find the ‘New’ button, and add a new variable named ‘NODE_ENV’ with the value ‘development’.

Can I use a .env file to set NODE_ENV to development mode?

Yes, you can create a .env file in the root of your project with the contents ‘NODE_ENV=development’, and then use a package like dotenv to load the environment variables from the .env file.

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