After Migration: Tables Name Not Suit the Created Table Name? – Fix it Now!
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After Migration: Tables Name Not Suit the Created Table Name? – Fix it Now!

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Oh no! You’ve finally migrated your database, but to your surprise, the table names don’t match the ones you created. Don’t panic! This is a common issue many developers face after migration. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to resolve this problem and get your database back on track.

Understanding the Problem

When you migrate a database, the table names might not be identical to the ones you created. This can occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • Table name case sensitivity: The migration process might not maintain the same case as your original table names.
  • Special characters and spaces: Some database management systems (DBMS) may not support special characters or spaces in table names.
  • Reserved words: Table names might clash with reserved words in the target DBMS.
  • Schema changes: Alterations to the schema during migration can lead to table name discrepancies.

Diagnosing the Issue

Before fixing the problem, it’s essential to identify the tables with mismatched names. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your target database using a DBMS client or a query editor.
  2. Run the following query to list all tables in the database:
  3. Compare the table names in the result set with your original table names.
  4. Take note of the tables with mismatched names.

Renaming Tables

Now that you’ve identified the problematic tables, it’s time to rename them. You can do this using the following methods:

Method 1: Using the RENAME TABLE Statement

This method is supported by most DBMS, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.


Replace with the current table name and with the desired name.

Method 2: Using the sp_rename Stored Procedure (SQL Server Only)

If you’re using SQL Server, you can utilize the sp_rename stored procedure to rename tables.

EXEC sp_rename '', '';

Replace with the current table name and with the desired name.

Renaming Multiple Tables

If you have multiple tables with mismatched names, you can rename them using a single query or a script. Here are some examples:

Method 1: Using a Single Query (MySQL)

You can use a single query to rename multiple tables in MySQL:

   TO ,
   TO ,
   TO ;

Replace with the current table name and with the desired name.

Method 2: Using a Script (SQL Server)

You can create a script to rename multiple tables in SQL Server:

DECLARE @tables TABLE (old_name sysname, new_name sysname);

INSERT INTO @tables (old_name, new_name)
  ('', ''),
  ('', ''),
  ('', '');


SELECT @sql += 'EXEC sp_rename ''' + old_name + ''', ''' + new_name + ''';'
FROM @tables;

EXEC (@sql);

Replace with the current table name and with the desired name.

Additional Considerations

After renaming the tables, you might need to update the following:

  • Views and stored procedures that reference the renamed tables.
  • Foreign key constraints that point to the renamed tables.
  • Index names that include the original table names.
  • Database triggers that reference the renamed tables.


Mismatched table names after migration can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can resolve the issue quickly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify the problematic tables, rename them, and update any dependent database objects.

Best Practices

To avoid table name mismatches in the future, consider the following best practices:

  • Use consistent naming conventions across your database.
  • Avoid using special characters and spaces in table names.
  • Choose table names that are easy to understand and follow a logical pattern.
  • Test your database migration scripts thoroughly before executing them in production.

By following these guidelines, you’ll reduce the likelihood of table name mismatches and ensure a smoother database migration experience.

DBMS Rename Table Statement
SQL Server EXEC sp_rename '', '';

Remember to replace with the current table name and with the desired name.

Get Help When You Need It

If you’re still struggling to resolve the table name mismatch issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to a database administrator or a professional developer for assistance. They can help you identify the root cause of the problem and provide personalized guidance to fix it.

Stay calm, stay focused, and get your database back on track!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common concerns about table names not matching after migration.

Why do my table names not match after migration?

This can happen if the table names were changed during the migration process or if there was a misconfiguration in the migration settings. Check your migration logs to identify the cause and adjust your settings accordingly.

How do I verify that my table names have changed during migration?

Compare the table names in your source database with the table names in your target database. You can use database management tools like phpMyAdmin or SQL Server Management Studio to view the table names. If the names don’t match, you may need to update your application code to reflect the changes.

Can I rename my tables after migration to match the original names?

Yes, you can rename your tables after migration. However, be cautious when doing so, as it may affect your application’s functionality. Make sure to update your application code to reflect the changes and test thoroughly to avoid any issues.

What are some best practices to avoid table name mismatches during migration?

Use a consistent naming convention, avoid using special characters or spaces in table names, and test your migration process thoroughly to catch any issues before they become a problem. Additionally, consider using a migration tool that preserves table names by default.

How can I prevent table name mismatches in future migrations?

Document your table names and migration process, use version control to track changes, and test your migration process regularly to ensure that table names are preserved correctly. This will help you identify and fix any issues before they cause problems in your production environment.