The Frustrating Case of `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` Not Returning Non-Zero Exit Code on Quality Gate Failure
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The Frustrating Case of `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` Not Returning Non-Zero Exit Code on Quality Gate Failure

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Are you tired of spending hours troubleshooting your CI/CD pipeline only to find that the `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` is not returning a non-zero exit code when your Quality Gate fails? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of SonarQube and explore the reasons behind this frustrating issue. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

The Problem: `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` Ignores Quality Gate Failure

When you run the `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` in your CI/CD pipeline, you expect it to return a non-zero exit code if the Quality Gate fails. After all, that’s the whole point of having a Quality Gate in the first place – to ensure your code meets certain standards. However, in some cases, the scanner might not return the expected exit code, leaving you wondering what went wrong.

Causes of the Issue

So, why does `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` ignore Quality Gate failures? There are a few possible reasons:

  • Misconfigured Quality Gate: If your Quality Gate is not properly configured, the scanner might not be able to detect the failure.
  • Incompatible Version: Using an outdated or incompatible version of the SonarQube scanner can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Plugin Issues: Some plugins might interfere with the scanner’s ability to return the correct exit code.
  • Environmental Variables: Incorrectly set environmental variables can affect the scanner’s behavior.

Solving the Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide

Don’t worry; we’re here to help you troubleshoot and solve the issue. Follow these steps to ensure `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` returns a non-zero exit code on Quality Gate failure:

Step 1: Verify Quality Gate Configuration

Log in to your SonarQube instance and navigate to the Quality Gate section. Make sure the Quality Gate is enabled and configured correctly. Pay attention to the following:

  • Conditions: Ensure the conditions are set correctly and match your requirements.
  • Metrics: Verify that the metrics are correctly configured and aligned with your Quality Gate conditions.
  • Error Threshold: Adjust the error threshold according to your needs.

Step 2: Check SonarQube Scanner Version

Ensure you’re using the latest version of the SonarQube scanner. You can check the version by running the following command:

npm ls sonarqube-scanner

If you’re not using the latest version, update it by running:

npm install sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0

Step 3: Verify Plugin Compatibility

Some plugins might interfere with the scanner’s ability to return the correct exit code. Check your plugin list and ensure that none of them are causing issues. You can try disabling plugins one by one to isolate the problem.

Step 4: Set Environmental Variables

Double-check your environmental variables, especially the ones related to SonarQube. Make sure they’re correctly set and match your SonarQube instance configuration.

Step 5: Debug the Issue

To debug the issue, enable debug logging for the SonarQube scanner. You can do this by adding the following flag to your scanner command:


This will provide you with more detailed logs to help you identify the problem.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still struggling to get `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` to return a non-zero exit code, try these additional tips and tricks:

  • Review SonarQube Logs: Check the SonarQube logs for any errors or warnings related to the Quality Gate failure.
  • Use the `–fail` Flag: Add the `–fail` flag to your scanner command to force it to return a non-zero exit code on Quality Gate failure.
  • Check CI/CD Pipeline Configuration: Verify that your CI/CD pipeline is correctly configured to handle the scanner’s exit code.


In this article, we’ve explored the frustrating issue of `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` not returning a non-zero exit code on Quality Gate failure. By following the steps outlined above and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure your CI/CD pipeline behaves as expected.

Remember, a well-configured Quality Gate is crucial for maintaining high-quality code. Don’t let `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` ignore Quality Gate failures – take control of your code’s quality today!

Common Issues Solutions
Misconfigured Quality Gate Verify Quality Gate configuration and adjust conditions, metrics, and error threshold as needed.
Incompatible Version Update to the latest version of the SonarQube scanner.
Plugin Issues Disable plugins one by one to isolate the problem and ensure compatibility.
Environmental Variables Double-check and adjust environmental variables related to SonarQube.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and ensuring your CI/CD pipeline is robust and reliable. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` not returning non-zero exit code in case of Quality Gate failure!

Why does `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` not return a non-zero exit code when my Quality Gate fails?

By design, `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0` won’t return a non-zero exit code even if your Quality Gate fails. This is because it’s meant to analyze your code, report issues, and provide feedback, rather than act as a gatekeeper that blocks your build process. If you need to fail your build, you’ll need to configure your pipeline to check the Quality Gate status and exit accordingly.

Is this a bug in `sonarqube-scanner@^4.0.0`?

Nope! This behavior is intentional and by design. The scanner’s primary goal is to analyze and report code quality, not to control your build process. If you’re experiencing issues with failed builds, it’s likely due to misconfiguration or a misunderstanding of how the scanner works.

How can I make my pipeline fail when the Quality Gate fails?

You can use the `sonar.qualitygate.wait` property in your pipeline configuration to make it wait for the Quality Gate analysis to complete. Then, you can check the Quality Gate status and exit with a non-zero code if it fails. This way, you can control the build process based on the Quality Gate outcome.

Will future versions of `sonarqube-scanner` change this behavior?

While we can’t predict the future, it’s unlikely that the scanner’s behavior will change in this regard. The scanner’s purpose is to analyze code and provide feedback, not to control your build process. If you need more control, you can always use the `sonar.qualitygate.wait` property and implement your own build logic.

Where can I find more information about `sonarqube-scanner` and Quality Gates?

You can find detailed documentation on `sonarqube-scanner` and Quality Gates on the official SonarQube website. There, you’ll find guides, tutorials, and reference materials to help you master your code quality and pipeline integration.

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